Tuesday 21 June 2011

Beta Testing

The question I will ask for my beta testing are;
1 - Was it simple to navigate through the web banner?
2 - Is the text easy to read?
3 - Is the web banner appealing and attractive?
4 - Do you think the components used within the banner are appropriate for the course?

1 - Yes, the buttons made it easy to navigate through.
2 - No, they could be easier as the were hard on the eye.
3 - There are too many colours used.
4 - Yes they represent the course.

I originally had my web banner with the text which posp up on each screen as a different font, size and colour. After several people commenting on my banner, I came to the conclusion that I need to change the words so that they are all the same size colour and font size.

After taking these comments on board I then edited my web banner and created this version. I think it is better than the previous one as it is now easier on the eye and better to read.

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